Little Me’s™, Ep. 3

Can you relate to this very real struggle? If you’re a living human, you’ve experienced the pull of Rebel Me in one way or another. And that part of you might lead you to exciting new things, a sense of freedom & mastery, and advocacy for your rights/the rights of others. When Rebel Me takes over completely though, they can derail you from some important things. But too much responsibility makes for a boring life! So the trick is: allow your Responsible Me and your Rebel Me to become allies. That’s the way to empowered integrity balanced with freedom.

>> My dear friend Chelsea Roberts and I have teamed up to bring you this series called Little Me’s. All episodes have been written by me, and illustrated by Chelsea Roberts, designer and cartoonist. You can find more of her work on her website: Originally published on instagram. Please enjoy, and give credit when sharing!


Little Me’s™, Ep. 4


Little Me’s™, Ep. 2